Day 14 of Summer Break

By Elizabeth Prata Sometimes I get peckish. With food, that means you're not hungry for a meal but just want to nibble, or peck at a few things, like a handful of almonds or blueberries. I get the same way with a jaunt. I like to stay home but sometimes I get peckish for a … Continue reading Day 14 of Summer Break

First patio sittin’ of the season

By Elizabeth Prata It is a gorgeous day, 75 degrees and low humidity. Full sun, light breeze. If I could order up a day, this would be it. I cleaned off my patio from winter leaves and neglect, and sat in the sun reading outside. I have a patch of untouched forest behind me that … Continue reading First patio sittin’ of the season

January in Maine and in Georgia

By Elizabeth Prata January in Maine, where I used to live, January in Georgia where I live now. EPrata photos In Maine, you close down, button up, seal yourself in for the winter. I mean literally- we had to put towels in front of the bottom of the door to stop the cold air from … Continue reading January in Maine and in Georgia