The ducks aren’t doing so well…

By Elizabeth Prata A month or so ago, a flock of ducks took up residence in my area. It looks like they are mallards, and either a duclair or a duclair-mallard cross. I live down a lane that has a 3-apartment building, and 4 mobile homes to my right. To my immediate right across the … Continue reading The ducks aren’t doing so well…

Vintage Haul to open my Spring Break week off!

By Elizabeth Prata It isn't really a huge haul, lol, but I did pick up a few things. It was from an Antiques Market about 35 minutes away from me. I enjoy that place for two reasons. Firstly, I drive through stunning rural countryside. There are pastures galore, barns in all sorts of conditions- freshly … Continue reading Vintage Haul to open my Spring Break week off!

Thrift Haul on a fine Saturday

By Elizabeth Prata It's spring here in Georgia. That means the birds are flying about chirping happily. The trees are aflame with avian song. The first flowers are budding; forsythia gleams yellow amid the other bare branches. It's warming up, enough so that when you stroll around outside people have that goofy smile on their lips … Continue reading Thrift Haul on a fine Saturday

January in Maine and in Georgia

By Elizabeth Prata January in Maine, where I used to live, January in Georgia where I live now. EPrata photos In Maine, you close down, button up, seal yourself in for the winter. I mean literally- we had to put towels in front of the bottom of the door to stop the cold air from … Continue reading January in Maine and in Georgia

Who audits the auditor? “Georgia Transparency’s” Russell Pickron

By Elizabeth Prata The Rise of Citizen Auditors (or, Content Creators with an ax to grind...) Social Media is accessible for viewing to one and all. Hallelujah! It also means any schlub with a GoPro, a Youtube channel, and an ax to grind can create content for anyone else on social media to consume. And … Continue reading Who audits the auditor? “Georgia Transparency’s” Russell Pickron