Day 13 of Summer Break

By Elizabeth Prata

I live in the middle of town. It was a change for me from having lived in a rural town with pastures around for 14 years. I heard the cows at night. Occasional owl. Maybe a coyote.

I’ve decided that though I miss those things I do like having everything close to me. I have my dentist, doctor, Post Office, landlord, grocery store, work, bank, hardware store, and coffee shop, plus restaurants if I want, all within a mile and a half. The only thing far is my church, and Kroger if I want a bigger store to grocery shop at.

Speaking of Kroger. I’m getting older. I realize more and more how that means making lifestyle choices. Things I used to do easily now are a struggle. The days of deciding to rearrange the living room furniture by myself are gone. Even cleaning out the closets is a probably unachievable project. Bending over to dust baseboards makes me dizzy. Sitting for too long means stiffness.

And Kroger…the last time I went it defeated me. Decision fatigue sets in early. I do a lot of calculating and comparing to save pennies. I get mentally tired by the end of cost-analyzing everything. I also have to keep a running tab in my head and decide, if I get THIS item I won’t get THAT item in order to stay on budget. Hauling gallons of distilled water and also cases of seltzer into the cart and out of the cart and into the car and out of the car, along with heavy items like canned goods, milk, and bags of fruit, are heavy. It takes at least 40 minutes inside Kroger even if I go fast. And driving there is 20-25 min there and back. I’m basically dedicating a whole morning to the endeavor.

The coupons and deals are great though. I got $84 worth of groceries last month for $61. I regularly save $10-20 using coupons and staying to my list.

But…The thing that killed me last time is the heat. Once leaving the large store, all my items piled up into the heavy cart, pushing it across that huge parking lot with 100 degree sun beating down on me and the heat waves coming up from the 130 degree pavement, was just too much.

I’m not complaining. It is what it is. You get older, you have to adjust to certain new realities. I am glad I have a smaller mom and pop grocery store a mile and a half away. For the summer at least, I can shop there. They have most of what I need – all the basics. I went this morning and I was in and out in 15 minutes. I park mere steps from the front door and it’s a few seconds to roll the cart back to the corral. In fact, I went to the bank, Post Office, and grocery shopped and it all only took me a half hour. Now that’s what I’m talking about! Plus I like supporting local businesses.

Different seasons of life are so interesting, aren’t they?

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